Archive for November, 2010


Posted on November 29, 2010.


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Posted on November 11, 2010.

vet podcast

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Rylene’s Adventure Part 2

Posted on November 8, 2010.

“Days have passed by. I love this place. The snow-like clouds tickle my feet as I run barefooted across the clearing. I fly past people in the city buying things for their friends. All the people here are so nice. Smiling, laughing, and loving it here. I run and run. I breathe in the sweet, […]

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Rylene’s adventure part 1

Posted on November 5, 2010.

“I have arrived. I flash a light, and then appear. Aound me there are people everywhere. I find my family first. They all come to me and give me hugs and kisses, and ask me how I am liking heaven. I was about to answer all their questions when father arrived. Just like the bible […]

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blog greeting

Posted on November 4, 2010.

blog greeting

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For Rylene

Posted on November 3, 2010.

If i die young

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saying goodbye

Posted on November 3, 2010.

“As I walk into this new world everything inside me flutters with life and difference. I look around me, seeing everything for the first time again. Below me I see my loved ones weeping for my loss. I hear prayers tickling my ears in wispers. Down in the place were I once was, I see a group […]

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